This article tells you everything you need to know about your charging infrastructure.
General Information
In the menu item Monitoring, sub-item Charging infrastructure, you will find an overview of the entire charging infrastructure which is connected to the reev Dashboard. The list distinguishes between the individual charging groups.
All locations that you have created are displayed at the top of the screen. You can also use the locations to filter for specific charging groups at the individual locations. To add a new location, click on the “Add new location” button in the menu item Administration - Locations sub-item.
A charging group can include both a single controller charging station and a group of controller + connected extender charging stations. Each charging group can be configured individually via the reev dashboard. However, the only one license (Compact/Pro) applies to a dashboard.
In a charging group, the status of each individual charging connector is color-coded. The meaning of the individual colors is explained in the legend on the right-hand side, which can also be used to filter for a specific status.
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