After the technical integration of a charging station, we still need further information for fully functional operation. In order to get this information from you with as little effort as possible, there is the reev onboarding process, in which the electrician and the operator only have to perform a few steps.
This process is presented to you below.
reev Connect Setup Kit
To put a reev Connect charging station into operation, you need the reev Connect Setup Kit.
Inside they find two envelopes.
- The electrician pack
- The user pack
In the electrician pack there is:
- an information brochure for the electrician. On it is the activation code, which will later be requested in the web app for commissioning, and an RFID test key.
- a sim card so that the station can communicate with the reev backend.
The user pack must usually be passed on to the operator so that he can fully use the charging station. Inside there is a slipcase, if you pull it apart you will find:
- the activation code for the charging station. (The operator must also provide this during commissioning, so that the information of the electrician can be merged with that of the operator).
- two charging keys for the use of the charging station.
How the onboarding must be carried out by the operator can be found here.
Licence key
In addition to the installation kit, there is also the envelope with the license keys. This should usually go to the operator of the charging station.
There is also a slipcase there. If you pull this apart, you will find the license key on the left and two charging keys on the right.
Onboarding of a reev Connect charging station
The following video shows you how to use our web app to onboard a charging station.
After completion of onboarding by the electrician, it is important that the operator set is handed over to the operator. This contains information that is required for the full use of the charging station and the reev dashboard.
Weitere hilfreiche Artikel
- serial number of the charging station
- checklist for the electrician setup form
- Sticker placement for ad-hoc charging
All integration instructions can be found in our Helpcenter in the category "Information for electricians."
If you are an existing reev customer and have questions, e.g. about the functionality of the software, please contact our support team from Monday to Friday between 8 am - 6 pm.
+49 (0) 89 889 970 48
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